Welcome! I hope you enjoying looking around at all the handmade things I've made. I truely enjoy knitting and putting my creative touch on them. Feel free to contact me at any time!

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I seriously can't believe that the summer slipped away so quickly. Don't get me wrong, I love the warmth, the green trees, the smell of fresh cut grass, a little baby in just a onesie, watching my older daughter learn how to swim BUT fall is definately by far my absolute favorite time of the year! Nothing beats the colors, the fresh smells, the sweaters and food.

My oldest is excited for Halloween this year. Last year she was Elmo, I was pregnant and we walked around my dad's neighborhood. She had a blast. This year she swears that she'll be Abby Cadabby. Fitting. And she wants her baby sister to dress up in her Elmo costume from last year (which might just fit - LOL), I have to be cookie monster (is she trying to tell me something?) and Daddy will be Big Bird (again, fitting....)

I'll have to think on that one......

Anyway, I've made up some super cute Halloween stuff. Headbands & bows to be exact!

You can find them in my store right now! I mean, it is right around the corner, right? Right.

You can never be too prepared!

Heck, I'm even thinking about Christmas already. (And I have some stuff made up, but we'll save that for later.) Enjoy!