Welcome! I hope you enjoying looking around at all the handmade things I've made. I truely enjoy knitting and putting my creative touch on them. Feel free to contact me at any time!

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Santa is Coming!

I really can't believe Christmas is so very close. I am beyond excited this year. Beyond.

It's always my very favorite holiday. I love to decorate like crazy and I love the preparations.

My father had always told me that Christmas would take one a whole new meaning and become super special once I had children. Boy was he right. (Listen to your parents!!!)

I have never had so much fun as I did last year when my older daughter was just over 2 years old. She had a blast opening all the gifts that Santa had brought her. The tree looked beautiful and of course, I admit, I spoiled the crap out of her. It was her last year as an only child so I went all out.

Who the hell am I kidding, now I have two girls and they're going to be just as spoiled this year! I can't wait! EEEEK.

(I might actually be more excited than the kids. Actually, yes, I am. I will probably run to them screaming "Santa came, Santa came!"

Actually just tonight I went down to the garage/basement to check out the stash of toys I've been accumulating since the summer. Yes, since the summer. I'm a bargain shopper. My husband calls me a hoarder. Call me what you like but I'm thrify and I love to save money!!

That's why when shopping around for Christmas cards, I had to find the best deal. This has been an ongoing thing for a few days now. I just can't commit because I need to find *THE* best price per card! (Those photo cards can get pricey!)

But I turned to ol' Faithful - Shutterfly. I just LOVE them. I've bought tons of things from the past from photos to gifts and nothing has ever disappointed me.

Well, I made up the cards and just wanted to share them! Hope you love them. I can't wait to see how cute they are!!



Happy Thanksgiving!

I have to say one of my favorite times of the year is Thanksgiving. It's not my personal favorite, but it evokes SO many amazing memories that it's on the top of the list. I remember when my parents took over the holiday for my father's side of the family. We had a big old farmhouse with a huge dining room table that was just perfect for dinner. My father always had a nice fire going, there was TONS of good food on the table and lots of company from both friends & family.

Now that I'm an adult myself, things have changed, but Thanksgiving still remains something that sparks a little light of love in my heart.

After all, my husband proposed to me just five years ago on Thanksgiving Eve. We partied & celebrated and it was one of the best nights of my life! I had no idea he was going to pop the question so we always joke about him asking me to get out of the truck and go to this beautifully lit gazebo on a freezing cold night. "No Scott, I'm not getting out." It almost turned argumentative. I mean, what kind of fool asks someone to get out of the truck in such frigid temperatures? Well much to my surprise, it was for a beautiful ring that I now proudly wear.

I am thankful for many reasons this Thanksgiving. My life is full of joy and I would not change one single thing about it. Nothing. Really. I have the most amazing husband. He's my best friend and I can't tell you the amount of times that I have counted on him and he just knew he needed to be there for me. That is a soul mate. We have two beautiful daughters that light up my every days. I forget what life was like without them. We have our health, our families, our home and each other.

But I'd like to thank each and every one of my customers for making one of my dreams come true. I absolutely love knitting. I love creating such amazing products that you'll cherish for years to come. Without YOU, this wouldn't have been possible. So, thank you.

Take some time this holiday and look around. I'm sure you're all blessed in your own ways.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Scarecrow Hat

So, way back when...when fall officially began here in New England, my friend Jenn over at Jenn's Photo asked about a scarecrow hat. How stinkin' cute would this turn out?

I got some brown tweed yarn and went to town adding some patches for the 'scarecrow' effect and I think it came out just perfect.

And well, the baby in this picture is pretty perfect too.

Hand Warmers

As you know, I have some items at two different stores that are local to my area. One day recently I had stopped into Functional Art. The store features artists of all walks of life. If you are from the area, you should absolutely make a point to visit. The store is adorable and had
items that are quality hand crafted. Each time I go there I spot something new & unique. There are really some very talented craft people in this world if I do say so myself!

Anyway, I had brought the leggies set with me to show Danielle. She fell in love, I mean, who wouldn't? They were so sweet.

She then asked if I could try my hand at making some arm/hand warmers. Of course I could! We brain stormed for a bit thinking of the best way to go about them.

You know me, can't pass up a trip to the local yarn store! I just love going in there and oogling over all the yummy yarns. If I could stay and touch them all, I would. But alas, I have a family, a business and well, it just probably wouldn't be right.

Ok, so I did touch a bunch of yarn that day, and well every time I stop in, but I found some awesome thick & thin yarn, exactly what the leggies were made of but they were "flavored." i.e. colorful. And yummy. I couldn't not buy some.

Thankfully my 3 year old was with me to pick which one. "I like that one. And that one. And that one." She's quite indecisive. Wait, was that me? Anyway, we decided on some that had hues of purple, pink & red.
I love, yes, love these hand warmers and almost didn't bring them to the store. Almost. Just like Danielle almost didn't put them out for sale. She tried to keep them for herself!

I made her model them for a cute picture. (Really I just wanted a picture of her adorable baby belly too!) Just kidding, but it's perfect just like baby bellies should be. And well, the hand warmers are pretty spectacular too!
You can get your very own pair in my store - HERE. They're perfect for the upcoming cold months. I love that your fingers are still free to do what needs to be done, you know, digging for car keys, passing a snack to the kids in the backseat, or well, just being stylish.

Want a different color? No problem, send me an email at mysweetknittings@yahoo.com to chit-chat. I'd love to discuss hand warmers.


Leggies Sets

I am thrilled to introduce this brand new item - LEGGIES!!!

They were a special request for my photographer friend over at Jenn's Photo. You should totally check out her page (I linked up her Facebook page). She does some amazing work and loves working with little ones. And it shows!

But anyway, she had this little guy scheduled to come in and asked me if I'd make her a long tailed beanie with leggies. Of course I jumped at the chance for something new! She wanted the hat to have a super long tail and it ended up being just about as long as the baby!

I picked up some thick & thin yarn for her in brown and turquoise and got to work. I'm absolutely positively so so happy with the way they came out. How can you resist??

And he has a matching diaper cover!

Ah, my baby days are over, but I'll swoon over this little guy just a little longer.....
Of course these sets can be made in any color or size. You can purchase them in my store HERE. Or shoot me a message through email (mysweetknittings@yahoo.com). I love hearing from you!


Busy Busy!


I have been so super busy that unfortunately my blog has taken a back seat to all the madness surrounding my life at this moment. I really want to keep up with it though to document all the wonderful things I've been accomplishing.

Heck, my knitting needles have totally taken a hit. It's pretty bad when you need to ask your husband to sand the ends down so they become smooth again. I think that's a sign of way too much knitting, no?

I do have to toot my own horn. We're allowed once in a while, right?

Well, some of my creations are just masterpieces. Really. I'm totally proud of myself and how far I've come from this summer. When someone finds out that I just learned quickly over the course of oh, maybe 5 total hours of lessons, they are amazed. And really looking back, that's quite a feat.

So yes, I do deserve to toot my own horn.

Wait until you see what I have to show you!