Welcome! I hope you enjoying looking around at all the handmade things I've made. I truely enjoy knitting and putting my creative touch on them. Feel free to contact me at any time!

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Aviator Hat

When my friend Jenn over at Jenn's Photo told me she had a little guy coming to see her for pictures weighing 4 pounds, I was amazed! I don't think I've ever seen a baby that small. Both of girls were the same exact weight when they were born, right under 7 pounds.

She requested this cute aviator hat. It fit this little guy perfectly. He's so stinkin cute!!!

Thanks for the pictures Jenn!

Chinstrap Beanie

I've been wanting to make a hat with a chinstrap. I love the look and well, let's face it, I have a one year old who does NOT like to wear hats. With the ear problems we've encountered over the past year of her life, I do not allow her out in the cold without a hat. And she doesn't have any hair to keep her head warm...so, I came up with this cute chinstrap beanie! I have to say, I adore this; the colors came together nicely. It's available in any colors your heart desires. I've made both the brown & blue version and an orange version that you can check out in the store HERE.

A shoutout is due to my friend Jenn over at Jenn's Photo for the adorable photo using the brown & blue version. You may purchase it HERE


New Look!!

So, if you haven't noticed, things are a little different around here. You like? I love!

I've been wanting to redesign the blog & store profiles for a while now and when I started chatting back and for with Kelsey of Poofy Cheeks, the idea just completely took off. She offered to help me with all the ideas floating around in my head and totally made it all happen!

I am just over the moon in love with what we came up with and I really couldn't have done it without her. She's so sweet to work with, listened to my ideas and dealt with me asking for her to change things a few times. Let's face it, I can knit, I cannot however, make blogs and store fronts look pretty.

I am ever so grateful for her help.

So if you have a chance to check out her blog and store, take a peek. She's got some pretty cute things. And while you're there, tell her I sent you!