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Hand Warmers

As you know, I have some items at two different stores that are local to my area. One day recently I had stopped into Functional Art. The store features artists of all walks of life. If you are from the area, you should absolutely make a point to visit. The store is adorable and had
items that are quality hand crafted. Each time I go there I spot something new & unique. There are really some very talented craft people in this world if I do say so myself!

Anyway, I had brought the leggies set with me to show Danielle. She fell in love, I mean, who wouldn't? They were so sweet.

She then asked if I could try my hand at making some arm/hand warmers. Of course I could! We brain stormed for a bit thinking of the best way to go about them.

You know me, can't pass up a trip to the local yarn store! I just love going in there and oogling over all the yummy yarns. If I could stay and touch them all, I would. But alas, I have a family, a business and well, it just probably wouldn't be right.

Ok, so I did touch a bunch of yarn that day, and well every time I stop in, but I found some awesome thick & thin yarn, exactly what the leggies were made of but they were "flavored." i.e. colorful. And yummy. I couldn't not buy some.

Thankfully my 3 year old was with me to pick which one. "I like that one. And that one. And that one." She's quite indecisive. Wait, was that me? Anyway, we decided on some that had hues of purple, pink & red.
I love, yes, love these hand warmers and almost didn't bring them to the store. Almost. Just like Danielle almost didn't put them out for sale. She tried to keep them for herself!

I made her model them for a cute picture. (Really I just wanted a picture of her adorable baby belly too!) Just kidding, but it's perfect just like baby bellies should be. And well, the hand warmers are pretty spectacular too!
You can get your very own pair in my store - HERE. They're perfect for the upcoming cold months. I love that your fingers are still free to do what needs to be done, you know, digging for car keys, passing a snack to the kids in the backseat, or well, just being stylish.

Want a different color? No problem, send me an email at mysweetknittings@yahoo.com to chit-chat. I'd love to discuss hand warmers.